Libre graphic Magazine

A Libre Graphics Magazine is long overdue. In a market dominated by magazines devoted to design discourse built around proprietary tools and the latest computer graphics tricks and techniques, users of Libre Graphics software are underserved and unrecognized. We know that these users exist, both professionally and as hobbyists. We know this because we are they. We are graphic designers, media artists, photographers and web designers. We use Libre Graphics software, quietly and without regard. Our peers, used to proprietary alternatives, question our choice of tools. Our work, when executed well, is indistinguishable from work produced by more traditional means. Thus, our choices are invisible, unless we make an issue of them.
Vidéo de présentation du magazine au FOSDEM :

Voir les numéros

→ 23/01/2014 — Design graphique, Initiatives & événements, Livres & textes

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Pour un design graphique libre

Blog destiné à regrouper mes recherches pour mon mémoire portant sur les relations entre design graphique et culture libre.