É t i e n n e O z e r a y ⌲
graphic design ⁘ code ⁘ tools ⁘ teaching ⁘ other stuffs ⌂ Rennes and Brussels based ⥀ Floss lover, user and contributor ♥ Luuse member Gitlab ✉ contact
- [WIP] Interfaces poétiques a workshop about the poetic potential of interfaces and their metaphors at LAAB.
- [WIP] Ursula Döbereiner a website for the artist archiving 30 years of practice. with Luuse.
- [WIP] Les nouveaux habits du colportage an online writing tool and an online/offline publication for the research project Les nouveaux habits du colportage. with Luuse.
- wwwahou.etienneozeray.fr my non-up-to-date websites collection.
- Fanny Howe a web-to-print book design for Divided Publishing, an independent publisher based in Brussels and London dedicated to theorical texts. with Luuse.
- East London Cable a website for ELC, a collective producing, platforming and commissioning moving image and performance works under the umbrella of ‘TV.’ with Luuse.
- NevrOS v2.0 a clicker game about helping a thinking machine deeply wondering about fundamental things. with Lucas Lejeune. In progress, not really playable right now.
- Atelier Bek a collective space for creation and diffusion in Brussels. With (between other) Pascale Barret, Cecilia Borettaz, Maria Delamarre, Antoine Gelgon, Alice Lapalu, Alexandre Liziard, Léonard Mabille, Romain Marula, Baptiste Tosi, Marie Trossat, Morgane Trouillet, Stéphanie Vérin Claire Williams and many more. ⎙ Gitlab
- Manifont Grotesk a libre font, made for Manifart. with Alexandre Liziard
- [archive] interstices.io My diploma project at ENSAD. with Alexandre Liziard ⎙ Gitlab ⎙ Github