Free culture foundation

We live in a world ever more connected and surveilled thanks to digital technologies: the Internet, the world wide web, personal computing, mobile computing, cloud computing, social media, and more. The ability to create, share, and communicate with the others is governed by the combination of both laws and technologies. The Free Culture Movement questions and challenges how technology and law affect who has access to, representation through, and protection within the exchange of cultural works. What dangers lie in private ownership over technology, media, and ideas as it concentrates control over those resources?
The mission of the Free Culture Foundation is to bring an end to the subjugation enabled by private ownership over media, ideas, and technology.
We work to bridge, disrupt, and destabilize the legal and technological digital divides between listener and musician, viewer and producer, reader and author, user and hacker. We strive to empower those exploited through these systems by supporting local and student chapters, providing educational resources, organizing direct action campaigns, and sponsoring select initiatives, projects, and events.
We work on targeted campaigns, public education, and policy advocacy in areas including:
Promote the advancement free software, free formats, & free cultural works
Raise critical consciousness around technology, media, and intellectual property
Campaign and defend against significant technological and legal threats to privacy and autonomy
Network within the free culture movement and build coalitions with other anti-oppression groups
Organize the development of high-priority projects that support our mission

→ 16/01/2014 — Sites référents

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Pour un design graphique libre

Blog destiné à regrouper mes recherches pour mon mémoire portant sur les relations entre design graphique et culture libre.