Libre graphics meeting

The Libre Graphics Meeting (LGM) is an annual meeting on free and open source software for graphics.
Held yearly since 2006 the Libre Graphics Meeting aims to attract developers, artists and professionals who use and improve free and open source software graphics applications. The LGM aims to bring these people together in the cause of creating high quality free graphics applications.
LGM2014 is taking place on April 2-5 in Leipzig, Germany, and will feature workshops for artists and ca. 90 inspiring talks to showcase new and upcoming projects such as Tupi, Kune, Synfig, Laidout, as well as established projects such as GIMP, Krita, Inkscape, Scribus, and Blender.

→ 16/01/2014 — Design graphique, Initiatives & événements

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Pour un design graphique libre

Blog destiné à regrouper mes recherches pour mon mémoire portant sur les relations entre design graphique et culture libre.